Nailympion, the internationally acclaimed nail championship, comes to Portugal along the impartial NIJ (NAILYMPION INTERNATIONAL JUDGES ).

Nailympion represents the biggest and most prestigious professional nail competition in the world.

Nailympion will be held this year in Porto on the 5, 6 and 7 of April in EXPONOR, Porto.

This event takes pride of being ruled by fairness and impartiality that preserve the competitor’s creative work and it is unrelated to any brand. It’s a worldwide contest.

Nailympion represents the best meeting point for nail professionals. It will be a 3-day competition full of very intense and exciting experiences.


The pillars of this competition are:

María Moreno

Is the organizer and coordinator of Nailympion Spain and Nailympion Portugal as well as being an Honorable Member of the NIJ Council. She is an International Educator and has been working in the world of nails for more than 30 years. She has attended many competitions around the world as international judge. Maria manages her own company and her academy being responsible of her team of educators in Spain and in Portugal.